Have you been on our swing?

November 6, 2020

Have you been on our swing?

I have always wanted a swing on the property. When our son, Sean, became our wedding photographer he thought he would be perfect for his brides. I finally got one!!  It is lovely, and when no guests (or employees) are here you just might find me on it.  It really is very relaxing to swing.  Doesn’t really bring back any memories for me, but I guess I could pretend it did.
Sometimes I forget how such small little things we have, see and do here can mean so much to people.  Just  because I do not remember being on a swing does not mean that is could or would not bring some fun and happy memories to others.
Wait…I think I do remember something.  One time while I was swinging I remember leaning way back, almost upside down, and scraping my head on the gravel underneath.  It’s coming back to me now…I had a nasty scrape on my scalp for quite a while!  Maybe I was like nine or something.
Over the years we have had couples, brides and children on the swing.  A sweet young gal comes every year a takes her picture on the swing to see her progression over the years.  Quite a young lady now.
We all know that in the beginning it was not easy:  you have to concentrate on pumping your legs, when to put them out straight and when to tuck them under.  It does help children with their balance and also lets them just soar and dream.  Have not met anyone really that is afraid to get on a swing.  When you are on a short #staycation or #workation you may take a few moments to escape to the side patio at Gath and take a seat on the swing.

Hope to see you sooner rather than later, and don’t forget to #bookdirect here


Lots of Friends

When it is your turn to pick the location choose the place, decide on the food you can sometimes feel overwhelmed.  We are really good

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